Contact Us
Please fill out the form or use one of the other contact options below to schedule an appointment or ask for additional information. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Us Directly
Holly Hauser LPA clients: 10400 Mallard Creek Rd Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28262
General Inquiries:
Phone: 704-609-3614
Fax: 980-225-0482
Holly Hauser LPA clients:
Phone: 336-413-1978
Address: 10400 Mallard Creek Rd Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28262
Jayme Yodice LPA clients:
Phone: 704-609-3614
Address: 212 S Main Street Davidson NC 28036.
You will receive a secure code to enter. (we cannot receive mail at this location)
We are an appointment only practice. We do not have a receptionist and do not take “walk ins.”
NEW MAILING ADDRESS: 10400 Mallard Creek Rd Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28262
Jayme Yodice LPA clients:
212 S Main Street Davidson NC 28036.